Atlantic Society of Radio Controlled Modellers
Atlantic Society of Radio Control Modellers >> Upcoming Events >> 2020 Ches Lockhart Memorial Cup - CANCELLED!!

Message started by SandyM on Jan 18th, 2020 at 3:36pm

Title: 2020 Ches Lockhart Memorial Cup - CANCELLED!!
Post by SandyM on Jan 18th, 2020 at 3:36pm
AVON RC Fliers will be hosting the third annual "Ches Lockhart Memorial Cup" scale event on August 29/2020, rain date the 30th. If THAT get's bombed out, we'll go to Sept. 19/20

Any and all scale planes are welcome, no matter the size. Foam, balsa, composite, electric, glow, gas...if it represents an actual plane it is welcome. That includes IMAC planes, civilian cruisers, military hardware, any year from the Wright brothers to present.

Landing fee of $10.00 lets you fly all day, eat at the BBQ, and also gives you a ballot to vote on the "Pilots' Choice" award. Take the morning to cruise the pits and make your selection for the best plane there.
Weather Go/No Go will be posted on the Avon site on the Friday before.


Title: Re: 2022 Ches Lockhart Memorial Cup - is on
Post by Raptor on Aug 26th, 2022 at 10:28am
This funfly is on for Sunday this year at AVON field in Windsor,  starting at 10am


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